Planning application for play area to be reviewed

The planning application we’ve submitted for a children’s play area on Swinburne playing fields in Hitchin will be reviewed at the NHDC Planning Control Committee on 14 November.

The play area forms part of our plan for the redevelopment of John Barker Place.

We know that there’s been lots of local interest in the proposed play area so we want to make sure we keep everyone up to date with the progress.

The Planning Control Committee meeting commences at 7:30pm in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3JF.


If you’d like to speak in support or against the application

NHDC advise that should you wish to speak at the meeting either in support of, or against the application, you must register to speak, before midday on 14 November, by contacting Committee Services on 01462 474655 or by email on

NHDC also advise that registering to speak is done on a “first come, first served” basis. Should more than one person wish to speak objecting to this planning application, you will be required to contact the first registered speaker, in order to discuss either sharing the allocated 5 minute slot or appointing a spokesperson to present collective views to the Planning Control Committee. The same process applies should more than one person wish to speak in support of this application.

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