Foundations 4 Work

We’re pleased to let settle residents know that we’re extending the support available through our Foundations 4 Work scheme, as one of the ways we’re helping in response to coronavirus.

We set up Foundations 4 Work back in 2018, with our local partner, Create Community Network and we fund a dedicated mentor employed by Create to help settle residents build the skills and experience needed on the challenging journey back to sustainable employment.

We know that for many residents, work and finances have been affected by coronavirus – perhaps if you’ve been off work for a long time or need to maximise your household income.

We’re now offering all settle residents additional support through the Foundations 4 Work scheme. Our partners at Create Community Network will work with you to consider what options are available and decide the best route forward. Either individually or within a group environment this might include:

  • Coming to terms with living in pandemic world … and beyond
  • Developing wellbeing and a healthy mindset
  • Getting back some self-confidence and self-belief
  • training in things like developing CVs or preparing for interviews

Interested? In the first instance please visit the Create Community Network website and make an initial contact with Create team, who in turn will come back and arrange an infomal conversation in a way and at a time that works for you.