settle supports annual campaign to end violence against women

As part of our work to prevent domestic abuse and support colleagues or residents who experience this, we are joining the annual White Ribbon campaign. The campaign raises awareness of domestic abuse and encourages men to promise that they will not commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.

This year focuses on the signs of coercive and controlling behaviour and stalking – which are often not recognised as behaviours of domestic abuse.

Gavin Cansfield, chief executive at settle said: “As a social housing provider, our purpose is to help our customers live comfortably in their homes.

“Supporting the White Ribbon campaign this year feels more important than ever as we know that nationally there has been a significant increase in violence, harassment and abuse during the coronavirus pandemic.

“At settle we continue to work together with our partners to prevent domestic violence and make sure our communities and homes are safe for everyone. We want to remind our residents that we have measures in place for anyone who may be experiencing domestic abuse.”

If you’re worried about a neighbour, friend or family member contact us and let us know.

Contact the police on 999 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger.

The freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline number is 0808 2000 247

The White Ribbon UK Lockdown Toolkit is available here, providing practical suggestions and details of where to get help for men who are worried about their behaviour during lockdown, and men who are concerned about the behaviour of their friends and colleagues.