Stock condition and energy performance surveys taking place

As a responsible landlord, we want to make sure our homes are as comfortable and energy efficient as possible. 

Stock condition surveys and energy performance ratings help us to plan investment in major improvement programmes. We hear from residents that they’d like to know more about our timings for things like replacing windows and doors, and we’re working to provide this using information from our surveys.

We’ve asked an independent company, Savills UK to carry out these assessments from May to July and you may receive a letter to let you know we’re checking the energy performance of house types like yours. That means a surveyor may call at your door and we’d be grateful if you would let them in. The surveyor will need to see all rooms but they won’t move your furniture or lift carpets.

They’ll also look around the outside of the property. The visit will take no more than 30 minutes.

As it’s an independent survey, Savills UK will select properties at random. The visits are not pre-booked, so if the surveyor calls while you’re out or at work, it’s not a problem. All surveyors will be wearing a Savills UK identification badge and will carry a letter of authority on settle headed paper.

We’re working to Government guidance which allows this work to be carried out in a COVID-secure way. The surveyor will be wearing personal protective equipment and keep a social distance from others.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please email us or call 0330 343 0016