Worried about paying your rent?

From time to time we all have money worries and this can make it difficult to pay your rent or for the things you need to live comfortably in your home.

During the next few weeks, the furlough scheme that was introduced by the government during the coronavirus pandemic is due to end, along with the temporary increase to Universal Credit benefits payments, and we know that this might change the household income for some residents.

We’re contacting residents and want to remind everyone that we can help in lots of different ways. This includes advice about employment and training, support with maximising your income and help with paying for essential items. We’ll always provide support in the best ways we can for each resident’s individual circumstances.

If you have any money worries or need advice about your situation, please get in touch and we will do all we can to help. To help us support you please complete our contact form. This information will help us work out the ways we can support you, and we’ll be back in touch within 3 days of you completing the form. 

You can also contact us by phone to chat through this, or reach us in other ways that might be better for you. Find out other ways to contact us.