Tips to keep your home warm this winter

Here are some tips of things that you can do to keep warm in your own home during the winter months and how we can help.

Check your heating

If you haven’t already done so, now is a good time to switch the heating on for five to ten minutes to make sure your radiators are warming up. Your boiler will have been on throughout the summer to heat the water, but it’s important to check the heating is also working.

If you are planning on going away for a period of time, leave the boiler on as it will lower the chance of pipes freezing if there is a cold spell. Turn the thermostat down to about 10 degrees as this will keep the system ticking over and keep your home warm without using too much energy.

Cold radiators?

When you are at home, make sure the thermostatic radiator valves are turned on to a comfortable setting to ensure radiators are heating up. If radiators are still not warming up, they most likely need to be bled. If you’re not sure how to do this, or you notice a leak – use your online account to book a service appointment or give us a call and we can come and have a look.

Know how to switch off your water

It’s important to know how to turn off your water supply if you have a leak. A stopcock is the off switch to your mains water supply. It is usually situated under the sink or may be in your airing cupboard.

Remember if you have any concerns about your boiler and heating or are worried that you won’t be able to keep warm in your home this winter, contact us on 0330 343 0016 and we will help in any way we can.