Thermal imaging being carried out by WarmFront

From Monday 21st February, surveyors from the company WarmFront will be taking thermal images of settle properties.

Thermal images show the heat used in a home and how much of this is lost through external walls, so they will help us to identify homes that need additional insulation.

Don’t worry, this doesn’t impact on your home or tenancy. The images are being taken as part of our work to make properties as energy efficient as possible, and to meet government targets for all properties owned and managed by landlords like settle to reach energy Band C by 2030.

The surveyors will be out and about taking the images from outside of settle properties over the next few months. The images will mainly be taken during the evenings, between about 4pm and 8pm. You don’t need to make any special arrangements to be in during this time and the surveyors won’t require access to your home.

Next steps

We will use the  information from the images to understand where we need to invest in additional insulation across settle properties, and develop the plans to put this in place.

Where we can see that properties would benefit from additional insulation, we will get in touch with residents directly to confirm the next steps for each individual property.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please contact us