Summer Big Door Knock: 20-29 July 2022

Knowing what all residents think of our services is very important to us. We hear the voice of customers through many ways, including satisfaction surveys, complaints, compliments and general feedback. We also run quarterly Big Door Knocks – a big part of our commitment to engage with customers about the services we provide and what we can get better at.

We’re carrying out our Summer Big Door Knock with residents who live in retirement living schemes between 20-29 July. Colleagues from across the business will be making face-to-face visits to residents to find out how we’re doing and if there is anything more, we can do to help you live comfortably in your home.

With a rise in the number of Covid cases nationally, we will adhere to social distancing guidance and wear face coverings during the visits.

More information about previous Big Door Knocks can be found on our webpage –  how we collect your feedback.