Autumn Big Door Knock 18-27 October

settle colleague smiling

We are looking forward to meeting residents on our next Big Door Knock, which is taking place around Royston and the Pixmore neighbourhood in Letchworth between Tuesday, 18 October and Thursday, 28 October.

The Big Door Knock takes place four times a year, with colleagues from across settle, including members from our executive team asking residents how they’re doing and for feedback on our services.

With the increase in the cost of living, colleagues will also ask questions to find out if and how residents are being impacted.

We will listen to this feedback and work with partners and other organisations to do our best to help any residents in need of additional support to live comfortably in their homes.

For residents who wish to share their feedback or speak to us about anything else – please get in touch with us or you can share your feedback on our website.

More information about our Big Door Knock can be found on our webpage – How we collect your feedback.