Spring Big Door Knock 2023 – Jackmans, Letchworth

Colleagues from across settle and members of our Board recently took part in our Spring Big Door Knock to check in on residents from the Jackmans neighbourhood, in Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire.

We carry out our Big Door Knock every few months in a different location to find out how residents in that area are doing, what they think of the services we are providing and if we can improve in any areas.

During recent Big Door Knocks we have also checked in with residents about the cost of living and used feedback to shape the support we are providing to residents.

We spoke to 246 residents and heard that what they liked the most about their neighbourhood is how quiet it is and how friendly people are. Many added that it’s a nice area with good green spaces which they use for dog walking and play areas for children. We know that green spaces are important to residents so we have recently planted a wildflower bed and also rewilded a green bank in the area – all of which will help increase biodiversity.


When asked what changes residents would like to see, the main themes were litter and fly tipping, speeding and parking, safety, and improvement to homes. Over a third of residents said they would like to be involved in improvements to the area.

Using this feedback

We will use this feedback to influence the work and support we provide to the Jackmans neighbourhood. It will also be used to shape the homes and neighbourhood standards that we are expecting to launch later in the year.

Continued impact of rising costs

We asked residents about the impact of the cost of living on their lives. 113 residents said they felt the impact of this; citing rising household and energy bills as the biggest concerns, followed by food costs and financial constraints.

If you are struggling to pay your rent, energy or other costs or would like more information on how to access help – please let us know. You can fill in our help with living costs form or find more information on our cost of living page on our website.

There is also a free and easy to use budgeting and benefits calculator on our website which can help you to see how much benefit you may be entitled to.

We’d like to hear from you

If you would like to share your views on our services – you can tell us what we could do better or when we’ve done something well.

More information about our Big Door Knocks is available in our How we collect feedback section.