Changes to our reception opening hours

From Monday, 4 September the opening hours of our reception at our offices on Blackhorse Road will change to 9am-1pm, Monday-Friday.

Our customer hub is a key point of contact for residents and ensures a consistent service is provided to all customers. We’ve also recruited new members to the hub so that we can continue to reply to calls and emails more quickly and focus on what we know is important to residents. In addition the services we provide online should mean less need for visits to reception.

Residents will be able to contact us through our website and call us on 0330 343 0016 during and outside of our reception opening hours.

Do you have an online account?

Don’t forget that you can report repairs, make complaints, check your rent balance and make a payment through your online account on our website.

If you don’t yet have an account, it’s easy to get started. Just register for an account.

If you need any help registering, please contact us and our teams will help.