Letchworth Garden Shed – partnership with settle – Update

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We’re pleased to see Letchworth Garden Shed up and running and hearing from the early success they’ve encountered.

The ‘Shed’ is a library of things that members can borrow – from garden tools to gazebos and popcorn makers to pliers. Customers pay for a year of membership and can borrow items for £1, £4 or £8 for a week.

Joe Williams, director of housing at settle said; “We’re really pleased to have invested in Letchworth Garden Shed and have secured free membership for settle residents for two years. This means residents have free access and will only have to cover the cost of the items

“It also helps save the cost of buying new things that you may not use often, gives members an opportunity to try out new items without committing to a big cost, whilst also helping to look after the environment by cutting down on consumption.”

Settle membership access

In our last communication, we mentioned we would reach out to residents in neighbouring Hitchin, Baldock and Letchworth within the month with a unique code to bring into Letchworth Garden Shed. This will allow you to confirm you are a settle resident and get your settle membership for free. We also said that for residents outside these areas, you would be able to sign-up for your settle membership on our website.

We have now reached out via emails to residents living in Letchworth Garden City to share information about their settle membership and how to get in touch. The residents who are interested in receiving a settle membership will be able to fill-in a short form and will then receive a unique voucher via post to give on their first visit to the ‘Shed’.

To ensure Letchworth Garden Shed can provide the best service possible and have items in stock when residents come in, we are staggering our communication out so residents from Hitchin and Baldock will be encouraged to sign-up in the following weeks.

However, this does not mean you cannot get your voucher now! If you live outside Letchworth and are a settle resident, please fill in the form here and we will issue your voucher within 10 working days.

Any questions, please contact us on 0330 343 0016 or via email at customer.service@settlegroup.org.uk.

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