Stay gas safe – get your boiler checked

Gas safety week desktop website

It’s gas safety week from 11 to 19 September and settle are joining industry partners to encourage households to stay gas safe.

All gas appliances – not just boilers, should be safety checked once a year and serviced regularly by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

Jody Sanderson, assistant director at settle says: “As a responsible social landlord, we have a team at settle, dedicated to making sure everyone has a gas safety check of their heating system each year.

“Most residents are really happy that we’re working to keep them safe and comfortable in their homes, although some residents can be more difficult to contact.

“It’s vital that we do these checks, so if we don’t get into a property, we ask a Court Judge to grant us access. Thankfully this rarely happens as most residents understand the importance of gas safety.”

If you know a family member or neighbour who’s not had a gas safety check this year, please encourage them to get in touch or call is on 0330 343 0016 if they are a settle resident, or visit to find a gas safe registered engineer.