Neighbourhood action days in Kimpton and Deanscroft (4-5 Oct)

Jenny Hannah Mel Hitchin clean up website

Our next neighbourhood action days are taking place around Wren Close in Kimpton on Wednesday, 4 October and Deanscroft, Knebworth on Thursday, 5 October.

We’ve been regularly carrying out these events across our settle neighbourhoods, including in Letchworth, Hitchin and Royston as part of our commitment to investing in neighbourhoods and creating places where residents can feel proud to live.

Colleagues from across teams at settle will be volunteering their time to work alongside our Estates team to carry out general clearing and tidying up as part of our Giving Something Back days.

Wednesday 5 October – Wren Close in Kimpton: we’ll be painting railings, cutting back overgrowth, weeding pathway and removing rubbish.

Thursday 6 October – Deanscroft, Knebworth: we’ll be cutting back overgrowth and carrying out a general tidy up of the area.

We’ll be in the neighbourhoods between 9 am – 12 pm and in the afternoon from 1 pm to 4pm. Residents are welcome to come and join us or stop by to talk with the settle team.

We look forward to seeing you there!