Q&A with Voice of the Resident panel

We will always listen to feedback we receive from residents and act on this to deliver improvements. This is driven by a commitment from colleagues who genuinely care about delivering good services to all residents.
One of the ways we do this is through the Voice of the Resident panel. Earlier in September we were delighted to be joined by three members of the panel, Alison, Annette and Penny.
They took part in a Q&A session with Chief Executive Gavin, watched by colleagues from across all teams at settle. The discussion covered areas such as things Alison, Annette and Penny have seen improve since they have been working more closely with settle, what they have found frustrating, their highlights and hopes for the organisation by 2030. It was a really valuable and engaging conversation, that everyone at settle can learn from.
You can watch the full version of this Q & A session with Voice of the Resident panel here.