Repairs service update

Two settle vans

We know repairs are one of the most important services we provide. Our target this year is complete 90% of routine repairs within 28 days. We are currently completing 70% of them in that timeframe.

We know that this isn’t good enough. We have a plan in place to deliver the improvements we know are needed, and we will provide monthly updates on our website until we have got timescales for completing repairs where we want them to be.

We are seeing some impact from the plan we have in place, in terms of the number of repairs jobs we are currently working on across all locations. Colleagues have brought these down from around 3300 at the end of June to around 2800. The fewer jobs we have open on our systems, the quicker we will be able to book in new routine repairs.

In September we reported that we were completing 69% of routine repairs within target and in October this number was steady at 70%. We clearly have more work to do, and will continue working on all steps in our plan. We expect to see improvements in timings from December 2023, with further improvements by March 2024, following a review of our repairs scheduling systems.

Please continue to contact us when you need a repair to your home, letting us have as much information as possible about your personal circumstances, and we will do all we can to book this in as quickly as possible. 

We continue to provide all emergency repairs within our target of 24 hours.