Planned investment in homes update

We continue to invest in residents’ homes. Last year we spent £14 million as planned. We expect to spend a similar amount this financial year (April 2023 – March 2024) and we are on track to deliver:

  • Heating                       530
  • Kitchens                      235
  • Bathrooms                  121
  • Windows/doors           743
  • Roofing                        52

We’re please to see customer satisfaction around planned investment in homes is at 98%.

We included a summary of investment in our properties by neighbourhood in the update we sent you in August. If you’re due to have improvement work carried out on your home between April 2024 and March 2025 you’ll be contacted by before April 2024.

We know that residents want more information about when we’ll do planned improvement work to their homes. We said that we expected this to be live for you to view on our website in September; however due to other technology projects (such as updating our report a repair feature) taking priority, we’ve had to move this. We now expect information about planned improvements in the year ahead to be live in May 2024.

Progress in making homes more energy efficient

We are continuing to progress investment in settle homes to make them more energy efficient. This follows our successful bid to the government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) as part of our Greener Herts Partnership. The work, which focuses on bringing individual properties up to an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C, will be carried out to 677 homes across the next two years (2023/24 and 2024/25).