Making homes warmer

Providing safe and warm homes is at the heart of our responsibilities as a landlord.

We’re working to meet the Government’s requirement for all homes owned by landlords like settle to have an energy rating EPC C or above by 2030. To help achieve this, we have joined forces with B3 Living, Watford Community Housing and Dacorum Borough Council.

Together we’ve formed the Greener Herts Partnership to improve the energy efficiency of our homes, follow more environmentally friendly construction techniques and adopt other more sustainable ways of working.

Through the partnership we’ve been awarded funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) to bring our coldest homes up to an energy rating of EPC C. The work includes external wall insulation, loft insulation, mechanical ventilation and smart heating controls.

We’ve just completed year 1 of our SHDF funded work with 66 homes complete and 160 underway. Tenants are telling us that they’re instantly noticing how much warmer their homes are, and very pleased that they chose to have the work done.

Here’s what a resident in Baldock has to say:

“During February 2024 we had loft insulation put in; new air vents fitted to remove moisture from the kitchen and bathroom; different heating controls and external wall insulation. Everything helped, but the minute the wall insulation went on, we noticed the difference. We don’t put the heating on hardly at all now. The heating is on less and the house stays warm.

We were absolutely blown away by how smoothly the installation went. The trades people were all very efficient. We pay fixed charges for the heating so we’ll see later in the year how our bills are impacted by the energy efficiency work.”