Summer Big Door Knock – What residents told us

Over the summer we carried out the Big Door Knock in the Grange and Westbury neighbourhoods. Every few months colleagues, including members of our Executive Team and Board go out to neighbourhoods to talk to residents so they can tell us first-hand how they feel about their homes and how we’re doing as their landlord.
The July 2024 Big Door Knock saw our colleagues go out and speak to 193 residents in the Grange and Westbury area to understand how they feel about the area they live in and the quality of the services we provide.
Overall satisfaction
When it comes to overall satisfaction, 91.7% of the residents we spoke to said that they enjoy their neighbourhood. The main drivers for satisfaction were around how quiet and nice it is, and friendly people. Some residents mentioned issues around parking, the need for more services, neighbour issues, and unclean areas.
We asked residents how satisfied they were and if they had received a service recently.
82% had received a service from us in the past year, with 71% expressing satisfaction.
Positive feedback was due to timely services and the helpfulness of our colleagues. Dissatisfaction (reported by 17%) was due to delays, repeat requests, poor communication, or inconsistent service quality. Neutral responses (12.5%) often mentioned waiting times and the need for repeat requests.
We know that that timely communication and right first-time fixes are really important things for residents. Our target is to complete 90% of routine repairs within 28 days, we’re currently at 78.71% for the year and are actively working to improve this.
When it comes to safety in their neighbourhood, 87.6% of residents scored positively. Residents’ feedback included they feel safe in the neighbourhood, have friendly neighbours or they mentioned it was quiet. A few residents who scored high mentioned feeling safe in their home, not so much in the wider neighbourhood.
Sense of community
64.2% residents said they feel a sense of community in their neighbourhood. Reasons given included community connection and having good neighbours. For the 35.8% who scored 6 out of 10 or below, they mentioned that they felt people kept themselves to themselves, they were not involved in their community or there was less community connection than when they were younger.
Suggestions to improve community connections included more community events, more activities for children and better play areas.
When asked whether residents felt they had the opportunity to be involved in the community, 59.1% of residents replied positively, with only 14.5% feeling dissatisfied on this. 26.4% of residents felt neutral.
Listen and Act
We asked residents how happy they are with how we listen and act on their feedback. It is one of our lowest scoring tenant satisfaction measures and we want to understand why. The wording has been changed for residents to get a better understanding of the question.
9.3% of residents we spoke to were dissatisfied with how we listen and act. This feedback is an improvement on how we scored in our tenant satisfaction measures survey between April and June 2024, where dissatisfaction was 32.3%. The Big Door Knock response also showed 29% of residents were neutral compared to 14.41% of residents who responded to the tenant satisfaction measures.
We will use this information, alongside other feedback we receive from residents to influence our work in our neighbourhoods.
Have your say
Your voice matters! If you’d like to share your thoughts on our services—whether it’s something we could improve or something we’ve done well—visit How We Collect Feedback section for more information about the Big Door Knock.