We’ve updated our website to make it easier to find the information you’re looking for

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We’re pleased to publish updates to our website home page design today, Tuesday 4th March.

These improvements have been made by colleagues working in our teams at Settle based on data about how we can see people are using the website. We have used this information to update the home page and make it easier for residents to find information you are searching for from there.

We’ve added a new carousel at the top of the page to highlight information that is useful to residents, for example ways to get involved and give feedback on our services.

We have also added a new section in the centre of the home page, highlighting the main things people search for on our website, so that you can more quickly get to pages with details about these services.

You’ll still see the navigation bar at the top of the page taking you to different sections of the website and the latest news updates towards the bottom of the home page.

All other content across sections of the website remain the same – the improvements we’re launching today make it easier to get to the most visited pages.

If you have any feedback on the changes, please use the ‘give feedback’ button below.

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