Investing in the Grange estate, Letchworth

We’re inviting residents and shop keepers to share their views on investment in the Grange estate, specifically to homes and shops at Middlefield Court, The Parade and to Langleigh and Reynolds retirement living schemes.

The existing properties are nearly 50 years old and in need of significant investment. We’re also aware that any major work may cause considerable disruption for residents.

Our first priority at settle is to provide homes that are safe and comfortable for residents to live in. This includes meeting government requirements for the quality of homes we provide.

We’re also committed to investing in the neighbourhoods we work in, to ensure they are good places to live in and we help improve the life outcomes for people living there.

We value feedback and would like to understand what people think is working well and where investment might be needed. Residents and shop keepers have received individual letters with more information and a dedicated team will work directly with the local community to hear from everyone.

This will be the first stage in a long process which will last several years and involve considerable discussion and consultation with residents, owner occupiers, North Herts Council and many other interested parties.