Complaints performance

Complaints performance

New requirements of all social housing landlords like settle were launched at the start of April 2024, to improve the services residents receive. These include the new complaint handling code launched by the Housing Ombudsman.

For residents the complaint handling code (the Code) explains your rights and what can be expected when a complaint is made to a landlord. The Code also requires us as landlords to submit a new report by the end of June each year. We have now published our annual complaints performance and service improvement report for 2023/24 and also submitted this to the Housing Ombudsman.

In line with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code, we have also published and submitted our complaint handling self-assessment for 2023/24.

Every year the Housing Ombudsman publishes a landlord performance report. We are pleased to provide a link to the landlord performance report 2022/23. We will publish the 2023/24 report when it has been published by the Housing Ombudsman.

The new Code also requires landlords like settle to include a response from our governing body, known at settle as our Board, within our performance and service improvement report, to provide assurance that this accurately reflects our complaint handling. The report has been reviewed by our Board and also members of our Voice of the Resident Panel. We are pleased to include their statements below and they are also included within the full report.

Statement from our Board

As Chair of the Operations Committee of the settle Board and the member responsible for complaints I welcome the opportunity to write the introduction to this complaints report.

I know it is a priority for colleagues across settle that they ensure making complaints is simple and straightforward. I see colleagues focused on making clear to residents how to raise complaints and have their voices heard; working to put things right quickly when we don’t get things right and learning from complaints to improve delivery of services.

Members of the settle Board and Committees of the Board regularly assess and review the handling of complaints at settle, to ensure as a landlord we comply with all requirements as set out in the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code. We are looking for assurance that we are putting residents first and delivering the best possible outcomes for them.

On behalf of the Board I confirm our approval of this report and the continuous improvement plans in place to learn from complaints and deliver improved outcomes for settle residents.

Hasani Jess, settle Board Member, June 2024.

Statement from our Voice of the Resident Panel

We shared the draft report with all members of the settle Voice of the Resident Panel. We are grateful for their review and following feedback:

The ability to discuss “real life” situations and experiences of settle residents has led to changes which we believe will have a positive impact.  In particular, collaborating and suggesting ways to improve complaints handling and the repairs process will hopefully lead to an improved and enhanced experienced for residents thus boosting customer satisfaction.  Challenging settle to prove that they have made promised changes is a valuable tool for the Voice of the Resident panel and one that will benefit all Residents in the future.

Alison, Voice of the Resident Panel Member, June 2024

Having reviewed the report, it appears to clearly demonstrate settle’s performance in handling complaints, which is crucial for assessing performance and ensuring accountability. The highlighting of main reasons and themes provides deeper understanding of the complaint types and the chance to focus on these critical areas. The report offers detailed information on the themes and the steps taken to develop or improve outcomes. Additionally, the report is straightforward and reader-friendly, clearly indicating how to contact the housing ombudsman and outlining their role.

Jo, Voice of the Resident Panel Member, June 2024

“As a member of the panel, I feel settle has been proactive in responding to the regulations, which makes it feel like a good place to be for residents. It is good to see this included in this report.”

Penny, Voice of the Resident Panel Member, June 2024

Previous reports

Complaints report 2021-22 [PDF]

Complaints report 2020-21 [PDF]

Complaints report 2019-20 [PDF]

How we handle complaints

Make a complaint

How we collect feedback

You said we did