Become a supplier or contractor

Become a supplier or contractor

We spend nearly £50 million annually with our external suppliers and we have a duty to ensure that value for money is achieved. Our procurement falls into three categories.

  • The procurement of services to support our tenants, such as grounds maintenance and cleaning. We are committed to delivering services that are responsive and effective for our tenants.
  • The purchase of services and support contracts for our day to day business operations.
  • The procurement of planned maintenance works and constructions.

What we look for from our suppliers and contractors

  • A commitment to equal opportunities, safe systems of working and corporate social responsibility.
  • The financial, commercial and technical capability to meet our requirements
  • If you are a contractor (building, grounds maintenance, cleaning) we encourage you to be Constructionline accredited as a pre-qualifying standard and SIPP compliant or similar before we consider you to provide works or services.


We are required to advertise certain contracts that exceed specified threshold levels in the Official Journal of the European Union.  These are also advertised on Delta eSourcing.

Delta eSourcing

We are a member of Delta eSourcing – the public sector within Hertfordshire working to improve information for suppliers and make the procurement process as streamlined as possible.

Why Register?

The Delta eSourcing website is the focal point for all businesses who wish to be a supplier to the public sector within Hertfordshire. Their website provides:

  • Email notification of suitable contract notices
  • Information about business opportunities within Hertfordshire
  • Information and help about supplying the public sector