Making homes more energy efficient

Making homes more energy efficient

In 2023 we received funding through the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) to make improvements to our homes with the lowest energy efficiency ratings.

To qualify for the funding, we follow a process put in place by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.

We’ve identified properties that meet the funding requirements and the tenants have been contacted.

How the energy efficiency programme works

  • Our property condition surveys and energy performance certificates highlight those homes likely to have poor energy efficiency
  • E8 or CIS surveyors carry out a detailed survey checking wall composition, insulation, heating, external doors and windows
  • Results are analysed by Ambue, an energy performance specialist and a design pack of improvements referred to as ‘measures’ suggested
  • We review the design pack and write to the resident to introduce Wates Living Space
  • A Resident Liaison Offer from Wates visits the tenant to explain the improvement measures recommended and what this will mean for the household
  • Tenants accepting the improvement measures sign confirmation for work to take place
  • Wates Living Space continue to talk directly with resident throughout the process
  • At the end of the improvement measures, tenants are asked for their feedback.

Frequently asked questions

Why is settle doing these surveys?

Improving your home’s energy efficiency, could save on your fuel bills. For example, if your home is well insulated, it will retain the heat better, so the heating can be on for shorter periods of time. Your home will be easier to heat in the winter and cooler in the summer. It will also help save the planet, as lower energy use creates less carbon emissions. We have received government funding to improve the energy efficiency of homes over the next two years, working towards all homes reaching at least ‘Energy Performance Certificate’ (EPC) Band C by 2030.

Will it be disruptive?

The surveys will not be disruptive – we will just need access to all rooms. We won’t need to move any of your furniture, for example. 

How can I verify their identity if they call at my house?

As your landlord, we manage all contractors calling at your home. We will write to you in the post or from our customer service email to let you know which contractors are going to make contact with you.


When they visit, the surveyors will carry ID from the contractor company as well as settle ID.

When will I hear back about the results of the survey?

You will hear back within a few months of the survey taking place. We’ll let you know about the next steps. If we find that your home is already energy efficient to EPC ‘C’ or above, we’ll let you know or you can check on the government website.

Why have no improvements been specified?

Every home is different, so the measures needed to make the home more energy efficient will be different. If you’ve received a letter from us sayiing your home is EPC ‘C’ or can see your home is EPC ‘C’ or above – then the property is already performing well at this time.  

Why have my neighbours been contacted about this, but I haven’t?

We are currently surveying homes that we have identified as being the least energy efficient. We identify this by looking at the existing energy efficiency rating (Energy Performance Certificate or ‘EPC’ Band D or below) for homes. 


Your home may have a higher EPC rating than your neighbour, even if the property is quite similar.

For example, an end-of-terrace property will be more exposed to weather conditions than a mid-terrace property. Or windows may have been replaced in one property more recently.


Making homes more comfortable and energy efficient is part of our long-term planned investment programme. Even though you haven’t been contacted for this wave of work does not mean that your home is excluded from future improvements. 

Is there a waiting list I can join to have improvements done to my home?

No – As these improvements are funded through the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, we follow a set process for identifying and reporting on the homes we identify. 

What improvements could be done to my home?

Every home is different and the design pack will recommend the measures specific to the property. The range of measures could include:

  • External wall insulation
  • Internal wall insulation
  • Loft insulation
  • Double glazing on windows
  • Solar panels
  • Low carbon heating
  • Low energy lightbulbs

Will the improvement work be disruptive?

We will be carrying out a number of different measures. Most properties will have at least 2-3 measures carried out, and some properties will have more.


Some measures are more extensive and therefore more disruptive however Wates Living Space will explain what happens and discuss your households needs. We’ll all do everything possible to keep disruptions to a minimum for you to continue with your day-to-day life. 

Will I be moved out?

No. It’s highly unlikely that improvement work would be extensive enough for a resident to move out.

We have completed measures in almost 200 properties and residents have remained at home.

How long will it take?

The team from Wates Living Space will explain the measures recommended for your home and the likely timescales. 

Will I need to be at home while the improvements take place?

We recommend a resident or next of kin is present during the improvement work, so please discuss this with the team from Wates Living Space who can work with you on a plan. 

Will decorative damage be made good by the contractors?

Yes. Any decorative damage will be made good by contractors, please note they will not supply coloured paint, wallpaper or decorative decals. They will also not reinstate wallpaper or decorative decals. 

How much notice will I be given before the improvement work starts?

The team from Wates Living Space will discuss this with you. Each measure requires different timescales for the different stages. Our teams are very flexible and we’ll try our upmost to accommodate dates that are suitable for you. 

Who will be my point of contact during the improvement work?

The team from Wates Living Space will give you a single point of contact for your day-to-day calls.

Here at settle, the programme is managed by Alicia Fernandez.

Do I need to have all of the recommended works done or can I refuse some/all of them?

As part of this Government funded programme, we are required to carry out all the improvements identified. The aim of the programme is to bring your home up to an EPC Band C and our energy advisors have calculated the exact measures to fulfil the criteria. Therefore, we can’t exclude any individual measure. 


You may choose to opt out of the improvements, however residents who’ve had the improvements carried out, say they notice the benefits within weeks.

How much money am I likely to save?

This will be dependent on the property, the type of improvement work done and the price you pay to your energy supplier. However, the improvement work will keep your home warmer for longer and generally make your home more energy efficient – which should lower energy use.