Report it
Report it
What would you like to do?
Report a repair in your home
Please call us on 0330 343 0016
Please also call us on this number to reschedule or cancel a repair, or provide additional details about your appointment.
It is usually possible to also report a repair and make these changes online. The service is currently down for maintenance, and we will update this section as soon as it is possible to raise these requests again online.
You can also:
Report a problem in a communal area using this form.
Apply for permission to make a change or improvement to your home
Check your rent balance and statement (requires a website account)
Order a replacement rent (payment) card (requires a website account)
Change your email address (requires a website account)
Change your phone numbers (requires a website account)
Tell us someone’s moved in or out of your home (requires a website account)
Tell us you’ve changed your name (requires a website account)