Domestic violence and abuse

Domestic violence and abuse

No one should live in fear of violence or abuse from a partner, ex-partner or someone else in their household.

What to do if you need urgent police help through the 999 service, but can’t speak [PDF]

How we can help

We have trained staff who can offer help and support in many ways – just contact us or fill in the form below.

  • We can meet you in a place you feel safe, and we’ll keep anything you tell us confidential
  • We can show you where to go for help
  • We can work with the police and other organisations to support and help you
  • We can help you get assistance to make your home more secure
  • We’ll keep in touch with you regularly
  • We may be able to refer you for emergency accommodation
  • We will contact you within 1 day of a report of Domestic Abuse

We partner with SADA (Survivors Against Domestic Abuse) who support families and victims of Domestic Abuse by:

  • Providing a supportive and safe environment for victims to report abuse.
  • Implementing additional security in the home.
  • Supporting referrals to other agencies and partners.
  • Providing help with housing / tenancy issues, including SADA Safe Space Provision.
  • Debt and benefits advice and guidance.
  • Regular support from the SADA Drop In sessions.
  • Provision of You Me and Mum course, to help parents to support their children after experiencing the effects of Domestic Abuse..

For more information please refer to Survivors Against Domestic Abuse (SADA) [Website].

For more information please read the Domestic Abuse policy [PDF].

Domestic abuse form

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Other help and support

National Domestic Violence Freephone 24-hour Helpline – 0808 2000 247

women’s aid

Men’s Advice Line

Sunflower (Hertfordshire)


Victim support

GOV.UK – Domestic abuse – how to get help

citizen’s advice – Domestic violence and abuse

Worried about someone else?

If you’re worried about a neighbour, friend or family member contact us and let us know.

If they’re in immediate danger contact the police on 999.

Our commitment

We’re one of more than 300 housing associations that have signed up for the Make a Stand campaign to support people experiencing domestic abuse.

We made a pledge that we’ll be clear about the support we offer and that our staff will be professionally trained to support victims of domestic abuse.

Mental health

Move or swap home

Residents stories