

Whether you’re employed or unemployed, there could be financial help and benefits you’re entitled to. Don’t miss out! We can help you get to grips with your benefits.

Budgeting and benefits calculator

We’re here to help if you have any money worries or concerns about benefit claims. With just a few simple steps you can see how much benefit you are entitled to.

This free and easy to use calculator can:

  • Look at whether you’re getting all the financial support you’re entitled to
  • Help you look at ways to maximise your income.
  • Help you manage your household budget and bills

If you’re being made an offer of accommodation you may be asked to use the calculator and send us a copy of the report ahead of the offer, you can also save your answers by creating an account.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us, or have a look at our universal credit page and struggling with money page.

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living cost and it will replace some of the old-style benefits including: Housing Benefit, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit. Find out more about Universal credit on GOV.UK.

Claiming Universal Credit is usually done online, but if you need support, you can call the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.

Moving to Universal Credit under managed migration

If you live in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, migration notices are being sent by the Department for Work and Pensions with details about managed migration to Universal Credit. Read our news story for more details. If you are having issues making a claim or you are concerned about your rent account, please contact us.

If you live outside of Hertfordshire or Bedfordshire you can expect to be moved to Universal Credit at some point. You would be sent details directly by the Department for Work and Pensions.

When you’re moved on to Universal Credit, this is known as a managed migration. Here’s a useful video about managed migrations [YouTube].

Find out more about completing the move to Universal Credit.

If you turn 66

Universal Credit is only for people aged 18-65. Once you’re 66 you’ll no longer be entitled to claim it and you’ll need to apply for Housing Benefit through your local council.

This can be done up to 13 weeks before your 66th birthday. Please note you may also be entitled to pension credit as a top-up depending on what your pension amount is.

About other benefits

You can find out more about all benefits on GOV.UK.

Bedroom tax

If you have a spare bedroom, your Housing Benefit, or the housing costs element of Universal Credit might be reduced. This is sometimes called the ‘Bedroom Tax’, ‘under-occupation penalty’ or the ‘removal of the spare room subsidy’.


The number of bedrooms allowed for children depends on how old they are and their sex.

The bedroom entitlement rules assume that:

  • two children aged 0-9 can share a bedroom whatever their sex
  • two children aged 0-15 can share a bedroom if they are the same sex
  • children aged 16-19 are counted as needing their own bedroom.

Benefit cap

The benefit cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit you can get. It applies to most people aged 16 or over who have not reached State Pension age.

Disability and health problems

If you have a disability or ongoing health problem that limits your ability to work, you could be entitled to additional benefits.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

PIP can be claimed at the same time as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or the Limited Capability for Work element (LCFW) of UC.

Here’s a useful video about PIP [YouTube].

Carers Allowance

You may be eligible for Carer’s Allowance if you provide at least 35 hours of care each week and the person you care for receives certain benefits.

Find out about Carer’s Allowance.

You do not have to be related to, or live with the person you care for. You do not get paid extra if you care for more than one person.

If someone else also cares for the same person as you, only one of you can claim Carer’s Allowance.

Pension Credit

Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income.

Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as rent or service charges.

Pension Credit is separate from your State Pension, and you can get this even if you have other income or savings.

Find out about Pension Credit.

Council Tax Reduction

You could be entitled to Council Tax Reduction if you’re on a low income, claim certain benefits, or are living with someone who is disregarded for council tax purposes.

The amount of reduction depends on your household income, savings, and circumstances, such as the number of people in your home.

Please contact your local authority for more information.

Find your local council.