Staff volunteer to clear residents’ gardens

Around 20 colleagues will be giving something  back by using volunteering days to help carry out garden maintenance work at six homes in Sunnyside Gardens and on the local pathway in Hitchin on Friday 30 October.

Work will include the clearance of dense and overgrown bramble bushes, nettles and weeds, the removal of felled trees and general grass cutting.

The settle estates team will help colleagues to strim back and tidy the overgrown gardens so that residents will be able to manage general maintenance going forward.

All staff will comply with current COVID-19 regulations.

We’re also delighted that some of our partners at North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) and local police will support us on the day.

The volunteering work is part of giving something back days where staff dedicate two days a year to supporting local initiatives that make a difference to residents and their communities. As part of our corporate plan, our target is that by 2024 we reach 3,000 hours of ‘giving back’ time from colleagues. More information can be found in our corporate plan.

To date we have helped in charity shops, supported gardening projects, the local foodbank, projects run by the Scouts, home decoration and cleaning and even sang to elderly groups.